domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

Radha-Govinda de Costa Rica

El origen de las Deidades de Radha Govinda instaladas en Costa Rica
(Tomado del Blog El Tambor Rugiente de Radha-Krishna das)

El origen de las Deidades de Radha Govinda instaladas en Costa Rica, tengo aquí una declaración de Kesava Swami al respecto. No tengo motivos para dudar lo que dice, y si alguna verdad diferente aparece en el futuro con gusto la publicaré en este blog. Leamos:
"Para hacer un poco más de historia, tal vez Sriman Ramanya se recuerde que las Deidades que acaba de instalar yo las llevé a Costa Rica. Me las había donado la M. Karmasakshi dd en una de sus visitas a Miami. Ella deseaba que se instalasen en Latinoamérica, cosa que hoy se ha cumplido en forma póstuma, para honrar su memoria."Las llevamos con Ruci Sevana Prabhu, en nuestros propios brazos. Él portaba a Krishna, que era más pesado, y yo a Srimati Radharani. Yo mismo pagué el pasaje, ya que consideraba que era mi deber. Antes de que llegase Sri Padambhuja das [a Centroamérica], yo ya estaba en Panamá y Costa Rica predicando con Alanath Swami (B.A.Paramadvaiti Maharaja). En Costa Rica estaba Rama Vigraha y su familia, Kanka das y algunos devotos. Las Deidades de Sri Sri Gaura Nitai [las Deidades originales de Costa Rica instaladas en los 1970s] ya habían sido mudadas a Panamá, y me encontraba con la duda de regresarlas pues estaban siendo bien atendidas por los devotos de Panamá. Decidí entonces transportar a Sri Sri Radha Krishna [a Costa Rica] cuando llegó allí Sri Padambhuja das.
"Además, cuando le hice entrega del templo de Costa Rica [a Sri Padambuja], también le presenté a los miembros de la congregación, entre quienes estaba la familia de la devota que luego donaría la finca. Otro dato más. Tomando prasadam con S.Padambhuja das, él me preguntó qué nombre podrían darle a la finca, esto en presencia de Ruci Sevana das. Mi respuesta no se dejó esperar; fue instantánea. Dije que ya que estaba arribando Sri Sri Radha Krsna, proponía que se llamara Nueva Goloka Vrindavana. Luego él decidió no instalarlas, prefiriendo a Sri Sri Nitay Gaurasundara, porque consideraba que a los devotos le faltaba madurez. Pero se mantuvo el nombre de la propiedad, esperando que algún día se manifiestaran las Deidades, cosa que ha ocurrido ahora".
Quizá esto aclare algunas preocupaciones de Jagajivana sobre las Deidades de Radha Govinda. Esas Deidades yo las conocí personalmente pues en alguna ocasión la Madre Karmasaksi me Las presentó en México mientras Las tenía guardadas. Otros devotos de México seguramente también Las llegaron a ver. Ella viajó mucho a Florida, y por lo tanto no es descabellado que se Las haya donado a Kesava.La carta de Kesava Swami contiene otra observación relativa a la instalación de las Deidades. Es muy similar a la postura de «El Tambor Rugiente» al respecto.
"Evidentemente que una resolución burocrática administrativa no puede regular las decisiones del Señor Krishna. Si Él decide ir a un lugar, no hay nadie que lo pueda impedir; y si desea salir de un lugar nadie lo puede disuadir. Esas sanciones bien detalladas en lenguaje legal, son inefectivas, ya que se legislan sin participación de la comunidad de devotos. Pueden ser un manojo de leyes muy elocuentes, pero son completamente imprácticas. No hay jueces ni un sistema judicial apropiado para utilizarlas coherentemente. Porque si Jagajivan Prabhu es el presidente del RGB (Comité Latinoamericano), su posición como representante del poder ejecutivo del GBC es incompatible con la aplicación de una sanción legal, cosa que competiría a un Ministerio de Justicia. Tener los dos cargos es una anomalía absolutista, y pertenece al sistema autoritario de una dictadura. Lo que él debe hacer es una acusación ante la Justicia, y que ella decida el caso. [claro, ¿dónde está esa justicia?] Mi recomendación es que se llegue a la instancia de conciliación, como lo hacen los grandes ejecutivos. Como el GBC está jugando al poder en el mejor estilo fantasioso del Monopoly Game, que del mismo modo jueguen un poco en la administración de justicia ecuánime. Las pérdidas sicológicas y sociológicas son tremendas, pues como mínimo deben esperar una generación (30 años) para solucionar cualquier cosa. Tenemos como ejemplos a Colombia y Venezuela, que hasta hoy no han resuelto sus conflictos con Iskcon".

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009


By Nandanandana das
(originally presented in The Sampradaya Sun)

“Lord Krishna desired to taste the limitless nectarean mellows of the love of one of His multitude of loving damsels [Sri Radha], and so He has assumed the form of Lord Caitanya. He has tasted that love while hiding His own dark complexion with Her effulgent yellow color. May that Lord Caitanya confer upon us His grace.”- CC Adi 4.52.

The present article is in response to G.S. Senan’s post. We will address the peacock feathers for the Vishnu-tattva murtis controversy. He makes two grave charges against ISKCON devotees, which are actually Vaishnava aparadhas. He charges them of being,

1) Sahajiyas - nadiya-nagaris or gaura-nagaris, and
2) Impersonalists; he quotes saint Tukaram trying to prove his idea, but this issue is in his imagination only, he doesn’t make any real point other than to present a quotation.

ISKCON has being, for too long by too many people, attacked, specially by those obsessed with rasa that devotees seem not to care to answer them anymore.
Regarding his accusations:

1) I do not know a single ISKCON devotee who is or thinks like the nadiya-nagaris or gaura-nagaris Sahajiyas. Perhaps Senan can provide us with some names or at least one name. You claim to be part of ISKCON, but where have you been? How many lectures by ISKCON devotees have you heard so that you can substantiate what you are saying?
2) Senan’s charge of impersonalism is completely out of touch with reality, so there is not much to say about that.

He invites us all to: “honour and nourish His CHANNA form without disturbing His mood [Lord Caitanya’s].
What is the value of such a special incarnation if we insist on exposing His HIDDEN form to nourish our own sentiments? If we do not please Mahaprabhu now, in this special Kaliyuga, by a conscious, humble effort to honour HIS bhakta-mood and HIS Radha-bhava mood, both as the ENJOYED servitors of Krsna, rather than imposing OUR own sentimental whim of exposing Him as Krsna, the ENJOYER, without considering HIS own desire to remain deeply absorbed in HIS bhakta and vipralambha moods, we would have wasted an almost irretrievable opportunity to benefit from His special mercy not available in so many other Kaliyugas to come.”

His charges are out of place and are on these points, but he doesn’t tell us how he nourishes the Lord’s bhakta and vipralambha moods. Do you mean to say that you don’t worship Lord Caitanya as the Supreme Lord with ornaments and offerings of bhoga, Tulasi leaves, flowers, garlands, etcetera because you would be considering Him the Supreme Lord instead of a bhakta? We will not take that.

“The more the Deity is decorated, the more your heart will be decorated with Krsna consciousness.”- Letter to Jayatirtha dasa and Manjuali dasi. 10th November, 1975.

The gaura-nagaris:

“We should remember this. A class of so-called devotees called the nadiya-nagaris or gaura-nagaris pretend that they have the sentiment of gopis toward Lord Caitanya,”- CC Adi 3.41, purport.

One definition of Gaura-nagara sahajiya bhava is persons who seek a conjugal relationship with Mahaprabhu in the svarupa of a nagari, a village girl. In ISKCON devotees have never entertained such idea, Senan is misled thinking otherwise.

Rather you can find in internet many refutations against the gaura-nagari and other sahajiya groups’ ideas by Srila Prabhupada’s followers, to whom you call iskconites.

Our line is a line of preachers
The line fallowed by ISKCON, and Srila Prabhupada’s followers in general referred here as ISKCON, is a line of preachers as will be shown.
“In this way, assuming the sentiment of a devotee, He preached devotional service while practicing it Himself.”- CC Adi 4.41.
“…to follow Caitanya Mahaprabhu means to follow the Six Gosvamis. Because these Six Gosvamis were directly instructed by Caitanya Mahaprabhu to spread this movement.”-Lecture Nectar of Devotion. Bombay. Jan. 5, 1973.

“To follow Caitanya Mahaprabhu means to follow the six Gosvamis. This is called parampara system. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarñayoh viduh. If we follow the parampara system... The same message, what Krishna said, that is also said by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that is also said by the Gosvamis. Sri Rupa Gosvami says, yena tena prakarena manah krishna nivesayet. Somehow or other, try to induce people to become Krishna conscious. This is Gosvami’s, Rupa Gosvami’s message. Where you are sitting, this is Rupa Gosvami’s place. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu also says the same thing. Yare dekha tare kaha krishna upadesa [Cc. Madhya 7.128]…

"The best welfare activity is spreading this Krishna consciousness movement. So it was entrusted to the, to all Indians. Any Indian who has taken birth as human being, it is the duty of him to spread Krishna consciousness. But anyway, although there is only one Indian, (laughter) you follow, and spread this message extensively…”- NOD lecture. Vrindavana, October 21, 1972.

“Every living entity is eternally a servant of Sri Krsna Caitanya; therefore the spiritual master cannot be other than a servant of Lord Caitanya. The spiritual master's eternal occupation is to expand the service of the Lord by training disciples in a service attitude.”- CC Adi 1.44, Purport.

This is our way of worship as servants of the spiritual master or the acarya of ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada. And as taught in the revealed scriptures the way of worship is by the sankirtana, the chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord congregationally, and for extension of the sankirtana definition, preaching and book distribution. And this is not our concoction. Lord Caitanya is a preacher, Srila Rupa Gosvani and the other Gosvamis are preachers, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada is a preacher and his dear disciple Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is a preacher, and all of us are trying to assist him in his preaching service in any possible way we can. The pujari is preaching, the cook is preaching, the one sweeping the floors is preaching, and the book distributors are preaching. Everyone in his own capacity tries to serve, because these services go to assist Srila Prabhupada in his preaching program.

This is Srila Prabhupada’s success formula that he tried to teach us, to serve the spiritual master.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada in his emblem or logo for the Gaudiya Math has the mridanga and the press (chanting the Holy Names and preaching) and book publishing, in the raga marga side of the logo. It was he who coined the expression brihad mridanga, big mridanga, for the press, to print books for preaching. That is the mood we follow.

“My Guru Maharaja used to say, prana ache yara sei hetu pracara. A preacher can, a person can become a preacher if he has got life. A dead man cannot become a preacher. So you must be very enthusiastic that “I shall preach the glories of the Lord to my best capacity.”… Similarly, when you have entered into devotional service, bhakti-yoga, bhakti-marga, your success is assured, provided you are enthusiastic and patient.”- Lecture on The Nectar of Devotion. Vrindavana, October 20, 1972.

To be criticized by those obsessed with rasa is nothing new. When our param-guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada was staying at Radha-kunda and start discourses on Upanisads those who considered themselves rapt in rasa would leave.

Lord Caitanya’s Mood and Ratha-yatra. Therefore ISKCON supports Lord Caitanya’s mood.
“Lord Caitanya has accepted the role of Radharani, and we should support that position, as Svarupa Damodara did in the Gambhira (the room where Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed in Puri). He always reminded Lord Caitanya of Radha’s feelings of separation as they are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Lord Caitanya appreciated his assistance.”- CC Adi 4.10. Purport.

Srila Prabhupada established the celebration of Ratha-yatra all over the world to be followed by his ISKCON centers. It is in this Ratha-yatra celebration that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu displays His mood of Radharani wanting to take the Lord back to Vrindavana, in this event Lord Caitanya recites a beautiful verse showing His sentiments, and such sentiments were revealed to Srila Rupa Gosvami by the Lord. This Ratha-yatra festival is full of meaning and rasa, if you don’t understand it that is your misfortune. And we celebrate that festival by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy.

“So Lord Caitanya’s sampradaya. (laughter) That is my joy, that we have now a sampradaya, a party of Lord Caitanya in the Western country. That is my success. That’s all. I have no value—insignificant—but somehow or other you cooperated, and you are still cooperating, and you are still cooperating as Lord Caitanya’s sampradaya. That is my life. Thank you very much. (…) So it was the request of Radharani to Krishna, “My dear Krishna, You are the same Krishna; I am the same Radharani. We are meeting, but We are not meeting in the same place. Here You are, just like a royal king with chariots, with soldiers, with Your ministers, secretaries. And there in Vrindavana You were a cowherd boy, and We used to meet in the jungles, in the bushes. So I want to take You there. Then I will be happy.
So that sentiment was expressed by Lord Caitanya, because Lord Caitanya’s worship was in the mood of Radharani. Radha-krishna-pranaya-vikritir hladini-saktir asmad ekatmanav api pura deha-bhedam gatau tau [Cc. Adi 1.5]. Try to understand Krishna philosophy. It is the sublime philosophy and, I mean to say, culture. If you are fort... Those who are fortunate, they have come to this Krishna consciousness movement. Their life is successful.” - San Francisco, July 4, 1970. Lecture the day previous to Ratha-yatra.

In this Ratha-yatra festival feelings of sambhoga (meeting) and vipralambha (separation) are manifested. Although Radha meets Krishna again, She is not happy there in Kuruksetra, She wants to take Krishna back to Vrindavana. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu manifested those same sentiments during Ratha-yatra.
These Ratha-yatra festivals are at the same time an opportunity to reclaim many of the fallen conditioned souls back to the service of the Lord, His natural servitors, to give many the opportunity to start devotional service in this lifetime, yet fools who have not a higher sense of rasa and mercy dare to attack and criticize Srila Prabhupada.
We rather take Srila Prabhupada´s own words about his movement and not somebody else’s opinion.

So, Senan’s charges are completely bogus and improper. And are also completely bogus and improper the charge by another group that claims that preaching is in a lower level or rasa, because it is not so according to our param-guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada, our own guru Srila Prabhupada and our Brahma-madhva-gaudiya-sampradaya.

Senan has a problem to comprehend that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and at the same time that He enjoys the mood of Srimati Radharani. In Sri Caitanya-caritamrita it is said:

Lord Caitanya appeared with the sentiment of Radha. He
preached the dharma of this age--the chanting of the holy
name and pure love of God.

In the mood of Srimati Radharani, He also fulfilled
His own desires. This is the principal reason for His

Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya is Krsna [Vrajendra-kumara],
the embodiment of rasas. He is amorous love personified.

He made His appearance to taste that conjugal mellow
and incidentally to broadcast all the rasas.

Lord Sri Krsna Caitanya is the abode of rasa. He
Himself tasted the sweetness of rasa in endless ways.

Adi 4.220-225

All the great Acharyas in the Gaudiya-sampradaya say the same thing, Lord Caitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead with the sentiment of Radha and that doesn’t mean to be worshiping Him as gauranga-nagaris, only Senan and similar critics conclude otherwise.

In “Gaura Arti” by Srila Bhaktivinoda, Lord Caitanya is worshiped as the Supreme Lord, what do you have to say about it? Here we reproduce it for your pleasure.

1) All glories, all glories to the beautiful arati ceremony of Lord Caitanya. This Gaura-arati is taking place in a grove on the banks of the Jahnavi (Ganges) and is attracting the minds of all living entities in the universe.
(2) On Lord Caitanya's right side is Lord Nityananda and on His left is Sri Gadadhara. Nearby stands Sri Advaita, and Srivasa Thakura is holding an umbrella over Lord Caitanya's head.
(3) Lord Caitanya has sat down on a jeweled throne, and the demigods, headed by Lord Brahms, perform the arati ceremony
(4) Narahari Sarakara and other associates of Lord Caitanya fan Him with chamaras, and devotees headed by Sanjaya Pandita, Mukunda Datta, and Vasu Ghosa sing sweet kirtana.
(5) Conchshells, bells, and karatalas resound, and the mridangas play very sweetly. This kirtana music is supremely sweet and relishable to hear.
(6) The brilliance of Lord Caitanya's face conquers millions upon millions of moons, and the garland of forest flowers around His neck shines.
(7) Lord Siva, Sukadeva Gosvami, and Narada Muni are all there, and their voices are choked with the ecstasy of transcendental love. Thus Thakura Bhaktivinoda envisions the glory of Lord Sri Caitanya.

“There may be many all-auspicious incarnations of the Personality of Godhead, but who other than Lord Sri Krishna can bestow love of God upon the surrendered souls?’- CC Adi 3.27.

“Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya is the initiator of sankirtana [congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord]. One who worships Him through sankirtana is fortunate indeed.
Such a person is truly intelligent, whereas others, who have but a poor fund of knowledge, must endure the cycle of repeated birth and death. Of all sacrificial performances, the chanting of the Lord’s holy name is the most sublime.


Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the father and inaugurator of the sankirtana movement. One who worships Him by sacrificing his life, money, intelligence and words for the sankirtana movement is recognized by the Lord and endowed with His blessings. All others may be said to be foolish, for of all sacrifices in which a man may apply his energy, a sacrifice made for the sankirtana movement is the most glorious.”-CC Adi 3.77-78.

Senan states:
“Yet there will be those who will remorselessly quote 'proofs' such as Mahaprabhu's mahaprakas lilas in which He reveals his identity as Krsna, simply to justify their whims, but conveniently forgetting that only His most confidential associates were allowed to witness such revelations. We in our Kali-contaminated mood cannot, by any stretch of our imagination, claim to belong to that exclusive confidential group.”

Even on this point Senan ignores that the closest inner circle was formed by those devotees who assisted Lord Caitanya in His vipralambha mood, such as Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya. Senan and we know about Lord Caitanya’s revelations as Krishna and His sad-bhuja form to His confidential devotees by the great acarya Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami.

Why if you pretend not to recognize Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, you substantiate it that He actually is by citing His confidential associates? What do you call that, contradictory, rasa or sahajiya? His accusations don’t make any sense.

Paramahamsa Jagganathadasa Babaji worshiped a Deity of Lord Caitanya in His sad-bhuja form. So, even that is not out of touch with our parampara.

“This conclusion of rasa is extremely deep. Only Svarupa Damodara knows much about it. Anyone else who claims to know it must have heard it from him, for he was the most intimate companion of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”- CC Adi 4.160-161.

What do you have to say about the statements by the great Acaryas like the ones by Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, are they whimsical?

“What the Upanisads describe as the impersonal Brahman is but the effulgence of His body, and the Lord known as the Supersoul is but His localized plenary portion. Lord Caitanya is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Himself, full with six opulences. He is the Absolute Truth, and no other truth is greater than or equal to Him.”-CC ADI 3.5.

In reality the great acaryas in the Gaudiya-madhva-sampradaya had to establish the supremacy of Lord Caitanya.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada in a large assembly of scholars at Navadvipa’s Bada Akhada Hall had to do so by quoting from shastra, namely Puranas, Sruti, Smriti, etc.

It is very significant that Srila Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji was present in those debates, not only for being Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s guru, but because he is Svarupa Damodara in Gura-lila, who would actually assists Lord Caitanya in His vipralambha mood. This identity was revealed by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupada himself.

Gaudiya philosophy revolves around two principles:
1) krsnas tu bhagavan svayam, Sri Krishna is the Original Supreme Personality of Godhead.
2) Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the same Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, appearing as a devotee with the mood of Srimati Radharani, but not only that, He actually is Radha-Krishna combined. sri-krishna-caitanya radha-krishna nahe anya.

From Shastra:
krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam
yajñaih sankirtana-prayair
yajanti hi su-medhasah
“In the Age of Kali, in
telligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the name of Krsna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.”- SB 11.5.32.

siksartham ekah purusah puranah
krpambudhir yas tam aham prapadye

“Let me take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, who has descended in the form of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu to teach us real knowledge, His devotional service and detachment from whatever does not foster Krsna consciousness. He has descended because He is an ocean of transcendental mercy. Let me surrender unto His lotus feet.” – Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya.

“These two verses [Madhya 6.254-255] composed by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya will always declare his name and fame as loudly as a pounding drum, for they have become pearl necklaces around the necks of all devotees.”- Madhya 6.256.

yuga-dharma-yutam punar nanda-sutam: He is the son of Nanda Maharaja, who has appeared again.- Sacisutastakam 7.Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya.

“Let us glorify the boundlessly merciful Supreme Personality of Godhead, the prince of Vraja. To taste the intoxicating sweet waves of the nectar of transcendental love for Himself, as well as to give that nectar to others, He has now appeared in the transcendental abode of Navadvipa in the form of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”- Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati.

“I take shelter of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is outwardly of a fair complexion but is inwardly Krishna Himself. In this Age of Kali He displays His expansions [His angas and upangas] by performing congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord.”-Sat-sandarbha, Srila Jiva Gosvami.

Radharani’s vipralambha mood.
“I will not return home I will go to another forest. Day and night I will sing, Krsna! Krsna! Krsna!"-SBVP 68. 15.

“You are dearer to Me than life. Without You I will think each moment is a hundred yugas. O master how can I stay alive without You for a hundred years?”- SBVP 68.24.

“How is it that I was created from half of Your body? There is no difference between Us. That is why My mind always thinks of You.”
“How is it that My mind heart and life were placed in Your body, and Your mind heart and life were placed in Mine?”

“That is why an eyeblink's separation from You brings a great catastrophe to My mind That is why when it hears that We may be separated My life-force burns in an unending fire.”-SBVP 4.2.202-204.

ISKCON takes the Gosvamis’s siddhanta instructions, Lord Caitanya’s close associates.-
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is worship as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and that is substantiated by guru, shastra and sadhu. But not in the sahajiya way that Senan assumes ISKCON does.

From Guru. Srila Prabhupada says:
“So here is a very specific statement about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is avatara. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the same Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He’s channa. Channa means covered, not directly, because He has appeared as a devotee. Avatara… Rupa Gosvami has found out that He’s avatara of Krishna. All the devotees, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Rupa Gosvami, and in the sastra, and the Upanishad, Mahabharata, in every… Sadhu-sastra. Avatara should be confirmed by great devotees, personalities, and must be collaborated with the statement in the sastra.
So here is another statement in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The directly, it is stated in the Eleventh Canto, you know, krishna-varnam tvsakrishnam sangopangastra-parsadam yajñaih sankirtanaih prayair yajanti hi sumedhsah [SB 11.5.32]

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, when He was being described before King Nimi by Karabhajana Muni the different incarnation in different millenniums, yuga-dharma-rttam… …, don’t forget that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. Sri-krishna-caitanya radha-krishna nahe anya. You are worshiping Radha-Krishna, and there is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Deity also. There are some parties, they protest, “Why Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Deity should be placed along with Krishna?” But they do not know sri-krishna-caitanya radha-krishna nahe anya. It is not different.”- Lecture. Lord Caitanya’s appearance day. Mayapura, March 16, 1976.

Let's clear this issue once and for all.

Senan alarmed further says:
“What to speak of Krsna outside Vrajabhumi made to wear the misplaced feather by our ISKCON family!! They even go to the extent of adorning Krsna's Dasa-avataras with it! The Ramayana tells us that, before Lord Ramacandra's time, there were only pure white peacocks, with no 'eyes' in their feathers. To evade Ravana's hunger for the flesh of devatas, Indradev took refuge in the form of a peacock when Ravana was on a rampage. After the asura left, Indra, out of gratitude, gave the peacocks the boon to have their feathers adorned with 'eyes' (that also adorned Indra himself). So where did Matsya-avatar, Narasimhadev, etc, get such multi-coloured peacock feathers from (as depicted in ISKCON pictures)? Were there Gopis around during those past yugas?”

When Srila Prabhupada was physically present the Deities used to be decorated with peacock feathers. In the picture at top you can see Srila Prabhupada lecturing at Hyderabad in 1970, to his right there are Lord Caitanya and Radha-Krishna Deities. Lord Caitanya is decorated with peacock feathers.

Regarding the ISKCON pictures about the lila-avatars decorated with peacock feathers, the artists took guidance from Srila Prabhupada. They didn’t paint them independently.

So, your criticisms go directly to Srila Prabhupada. Therefore the question here is, are you wrong or the Acarya is wrong? You know the answer- you are wrong. Now, you may think that the Acarya committed a mistake or that he wasn’t aware of rasa, as some critics actually do.

Nothing is farther from the truth. Srila Prabhupada didn’t commit a mistake, rather it is the statement krsnas tu bhagavan svayam, Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Original Godhead. Other Vishnava schools consider Sri Krishna as an incarnation of Lord Narayana, if that would be the case then you would be right to confine the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna to His pastimes in Vrajabhumi only, but that is not the Goswamis’ siddhanta. So, that is not the case.

The Goswamis’siddhanta, based on the authority of Srimad-Bhagavatam and Sruti as demonstrated by Srila Jiva Gosvami, is krsnas tu bhagavan svayam, Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The original Personality of Godhead. And in that way He is present in all His Vishnu-tattva avatars or incarnations.

“The Krsna consciousness message is krsnas tu bhagavan svayam. There is no other Bhagavan. Bhagavan means full of six opulences. So Krsna is completely, cent percent full of all opulences.”-The Nectar of Devotion. Vrndavana, October 21, 1972.

Krishna is one and the same
“When the complete Supreme Personality of Godhead descends, all other incarnations of the Lord meet together within Him.”-CC Adi 4.10.

“Regarding your other question, Krishna in His four-handed Vishnu Form is within our hearts, but He is not different from two-handed Krishna.”- Letter to Arundhati. 9 September, 1969.

“…all the Visnu Murtis are situated in Krishna”-Letter to Satsvarupa.-Los Angeles 12th February, 1969.

“You and I are not different. When I become Lord Maha-Visnu, from whose pores the universes come in the beginning of creation,You expand to become Goddess Maha-Laksmi. When I become Lord Garbhodakasayi Visnu from whose lotus navel the universe develops You expand to become Goddess Laksmi.” -SBVP 66.56. Sri Krsna speaking to Srimati Radharani.

Sri Krishna is present in all His incarnations. Therefore it is correct to decorate Them with peacock feathers, or do you mean to say that They are not Krishna?

The standards set by a great Acarya like Srila Prabhupada should be respected and not to try to find faults in him. Try to understand Srila Prabhupada’s message.

“As far as Lord Caitanya wearing a peacock feather, Jananivasa prabhu asked Srila Prabhupada if Lord Caitanya could wear a peacock feather, he responded, "Of course. Why not? He is Krsna." According to Malati Srila Prabhupada told her that Lord Caitanya must always wear a peacock feather.”- Source Nrisimha Kavaca dasa, 2006.
Jananivasa prabhu is Srila Prabhupada’s disciple and the head pujari at Mayapur.

Answer from ISKCON:
How is worship of Gaura-Nitai with peacock feathers justified?

1. Sastric Reference: from the book “Gauranga-Praty-Anga-Varnana”...verses by Sri Advaita Acharya and Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya (describing the wonderful features of Lord Caitanya).
“His lovely curling locks are interwoven with creepers of glistening pearls, and His crest made of richly fragrant flower clusters is enhanced by the tail-feathers of a peacock” (text 5)
(The Sanskrit word is "ikhanda"...which specifically means "peacock")
“His round cheeks shine between jewel earrings and on His left ear a glowing peacock feather is jauntily cocked” (text 8)
(Again, the Sanskrit word "ikhandakam" designating the peacock feather is used)
From these authorized verses, spoken by Lord Caitanya’s own associates, we can understand that the Lord did appear on occasion with a peacock feather. Therefore, to dress the Lord with a peacock feather is not speculation or simple sentiment.

So, does eternal Krishna have to adapt to your story for His feathers to have ‘eyes’?

In conclusion, Lord Caitanya’s mood as a bhakta and His Radha-bhava are nourished by preaching and Ratha-yatra festivals as part of it.

On our part we will try to follow Srila Prabhupada only, not others.

The complete official ISKCON statements regarding the peacock feathers you’ll find it here,

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domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

El Señor Caitanya y Ratha-yatra

El Festival de Ratha-yatra y el Señor Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Por Su Santidad Lokanatha Swami

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu pasó sus últimos años en Jaganatha Puri, Orissa, inmerso en el amor a Dios, y absorto en maravillosos pasatiempos con Sus asociados íntimos y con la Deidad de Krishna en Puri, conocida como Jagannatha, "el Señor del universo". Esto fue aproximadamente hace quinientos años.Uno de los pasatiempos más atractivos del Señor Caitanya era su participación en el Ratha-yatra anual, el Festival de los carruajes, en el cual el Señor Jagannatha desfila por la avenida principal de Puri en una carroza enorme y decorada que es tirada por los devotos. Durante 18 años consecutivos el Señor participó en el festival de Ratha-yatra en Puri.El Señor Caitanya Mahaprabhu es el propio Señor Krishna con el sentimiento de Srimati Radharani. Por eso mismo, durante el festival solía cantar y bailar frente a la carroza del Señor Jagannatha, desempeñando el papel de Srimati Radharani. Srila Prabhupada dice en sus comentarios al Caitanya-caritamrta, donde se describen esos pasatiempos, que los dos Señores ( el Señor Caitanya y el Señor Jagannatha) estaban recreando un pasatiempo conyugal, o madhurya-lila.El Señor Caitanya, absorto en emociones trascendentales, desempeñaba el papel de Srimati Radharani, la consorte eterna del Señor Jagannatha. Algunas veces el Señor Caitanya caía detrás del carro del Señor Jagannatha. Entonces el carro se detenía, ya que el Señor Jagannatha, atraído por su dulce y encantadora manera de bailar, trataba de ver otra vez a Caitanya Mahaprabhu.Los dos Señores estaban recreando los pasatiempos realizados hace cinco mil años en el lugar sagrado de Kuruksetra. En ese entonces, Radha y Krishna se encontraron luego de muchos años de separación. Se habían visto por última vez en Vrindavana, cuando Akrura había ido allí para llevar a Krishna y Balarama a la cercana ciudad de Mathura. Ese fue el peor día para Radharani, para las gopis (las pastorcillas de vacas), y para todos los vrajavasis (residentes de Vrindavana). Cuando Krishna se marchaba, prometió que regresaría despues de matar a los demonios que se encontraban fuera de Vrindavana.Krishna, la vida de los vrajavasis, vivió en Mathura por un tiempo, y luego se mudó a Dvaraka, donde continuó con sus maravillosos pasatiempos. Durante todos esos años, Radha y los vrajavasis sintieron una separación intensa ,casi insoportable, de los pies de loto de Krishna.El encuentro en KuruksetraCuando Nanda Maharaja, Srimati Radharani y los otros residentes de Vrindavan se enteraron que Krishna tenía planes de visitar Kuruksetra, que no quedaba muy lejos, inmediatamente decidieron ir. El encuentro tan esperado entre Krishna y estos devotos se llevó a cabo en Kuruksetra durante un eclipse solar, cuando los residentes de Dvaraka llegaron para bañarse en los lagos sagrados de Kuruksetra.Los residentes de Dvaraka, miembros de la dinastía Yadu, establecieron el campamento de la realeza, y cerca de ahí los pastores vrajavasis de vacas estacionaron sus sencillos carruajes. Krishna y su hermano Balarama, su hermana Subhadra, y los residentes de Dvaraka y Vrindavan, tales como Vasudeva, Devaki, Nanda Maharaja, Yasoda Mayi, madre Rohini, Radharani, las gopis, se reunieron y compartieron juntos la compañía de uno y otro.Los vrajavasis y las gopis estaban muy complacidos de encontrarse con Krishna, el Señor de sus vidas. Sin embargo, sintieron que reunirse con Él en Kuruksetra era diferente de reunirse con Él en Vrindavana. Estaban acostumbrados a verlo como a un simple pastorcillo de vacas, no como a un príncipe de la realeza. No estaban satisfechos con el ambiente de Kuruksetra. Querían que Krishna regresara a Vrindavan.Cuando Radharani y Krishna se encontraron, Radharani, siendo incapaz de ocultar Su deseo, expreso Sus sentimientos de la siguiente manera (Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 13.126-131):"Tú eres el mismo Krishna, y Yo soy la misma Radharani. Volvemos a vernos, del mismo modo que al comienzo de Nuestras vidas. Aunque los dos somos los mismos, Mi mente sigue atraída a Vrndavana-dhama. Deseo que Tú, por favor, pises de nuevo Vrndavana con Tus pies de loto. En Kuruksetra hay demasiada gente, con sus elefantes, caballos y ruidosas cuadrigas. En Vrndavana, sin embargo, hay jardines de flores, y se puede escuchar el susurro de las abejas y el trinar de los pájaros. Aquí, en Kuruksetra, estás vestido como un príncipe de la realeza, en compañía de grandes guerreros, pero en Vrndavana Te presentabas como un simple pastorcillo, acompañado solamente de Tu hermosa flauta.""Aquí no hay ni una gota del océano de felicidad trascendental de que disfruté contigo en Vrndavana. Por eso Te pido que vengas a Vrndavana y disfrutes de pasatiempos conmigo. Si lo haces, Mi ambición estará satisfecha."Radharani también imploró en nombre de los vrajavasis: "¿Por qué mantienes sus vidas en un estado de constante sufrimiento? Los habitantes de Vrndavana no Te quieren vestido como un príncipe, ni quieren que Te relaciones con grandes guerreros en un país distinto. Ellos no pueden irse de la tierra de Vrndavana, y, sin Tu presencia, se están muriendo. ¿Qué va a ser de ellos?" (Cc. Madhya 13.145-146) El escuchar las súplicas de Srimati Radharani agitó aún más el amor de Krishna por los residentes de Vrindavan, y su cuerpo y su mente se perturbaron."Mi muy querida Radharani," dijo el Señor, "escúchame, por favor. Te digo la verdad. Lloro día y noche con sólo recordarlos, habitantes de Vrndavana. Nadie sabe lo desdichado que Me siento por ello. "Todos los habitantes de Vrndavana-dhama -Mi madre, Mi padre, Mis amigos pastorcillos de vacas y todo lo demás- son como Mi misma vida...Yo dependo siempre del amor de todos ustedes. Estoy totalmente sujeto a su control. Si Me he separado de ustedes para vivir en lugares distantes, se debe a Mi muy mala fortuna" (Cc. Madhya 13.149-151)Llenas del deseo de llevarse a Krishna de regreso a Vrindavana, las gopis trataron de convencerlo y tiraban de su carroza. Y otra vez, el Señor le prometió a Radharani que regresaría, de la misma manera que cuando se fue de Vrindavana en la carroza de Akrura, " Tus amorosas cualidades siempre Me atraen a Vrndavana," dijo Krishna. " En verdad, Me harán regresar de nuevo dentro de diez o veinte días, y, cuando regrese, disfrutaré día y noche contigo y con todas las doncellas de Vrajabhumi." (Cc. Madhya 13.158)El secreto confidencial del baile del Señor Caitanya en el Ratha-yatraEn este encuentro de Sri Sri Radha y Krishna yace el secreto en relación con el drama del Señor Caitanya en el Ratha-yatra de Jagannataha Puri. Sólo unos pocos de los asociados íntimos del Señor Caitanya podían comprenderlo. Srila Prabhupada comenta que todo el humor del Ratha-yatra es traer a Krishna de regreso, desde Kuruksetra a Vrindavana. El imponente templo del Señor Jagannatha en Puri representa el reino de Dvaraka, el lugar donde Krishna disfruta de opulencia suprema; y el templo de Gundica, a donde es llevado el Señor, representa a Vrindavana, el lugar de Sus pasatiempos más dulces. Asumiendo el papel de Srimati Radharani, el Señor Caitanya sentía el éxtasis de ésta, la más excelsa de las gopis. Al quedarse atrás del carro de Ratha-yatra, provocaba al Señor Jagannatha para incitar su reciprocidad.. "¿Será que Krishna está conciente de nosotros?" Se preguntaba Sri Caitanya en el humor de Srimati Radharani. "Quiero ver. ¿Realmente le importamos? Si en realidad le importamos, entonces Él esperará y tratará de encontrarnos."Entonces, de manera sorprendente, cada vez que el Señor Caitanya se quedaba detrás del carro del Señor Jagannatha, el carro se detenía. El Señor Jagannatha estaba esperando, tratando de ver, "dónde está Radha? ¿Dónde están los vrajavasis?" el Señor Jagannatha, quien es el propio Krishna, estaba tratando de transmitir este sentimiento trascendental a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: "Aunque he estado fuera de Vrindavana, no los he olvidado, especialmente a Ti, Radharani."

La extraña forma de las Deidades

Alguien que vea las formas del Señor Jagannatha, Señor Baladeva, y Subhadra, tal como se les adora en Jagannatha Puri, puede preguntarse por qué lucen de esa manera.En general a Krishna se le adora en su forma de Syamasundara, en la cual está tocando Su flauta, y que es semejante a la forma humana. ¿Por qué el Señor Caitanya escogió adorar al Señor Jagannatha? ¿Por qué justo esta forma tan simple y tan extraña del Señor? Y además, ¿Por qué está forma tan extraña del Señor se manifestó en Puri? Para descubrir el porqué, vayamos de nuevo a Kuruksetra.Durante la visita de los vrajavasis ocurrió un pasatiempo muy confidencial. Rohini, la madre del Señor Balarama, se encontraba en una de las tiendas de campaña de los Yadus con un grupo de residentes de Dvaraka. Madre Rohini había estado en Vrindavana y deseaba expresarles a los residentes de Dvaraka el sufrimiento que los residentes de Vrindavana estaban experimentando debido a los sentimientos de separación de Krishna. Pero antes de iniciar su narración ella puso a Subhadra en la entrada de la tienda de campaña. "Si Krishna y Balarama vienen por aquí," le dijo madre Rohini, "no los dejes entrar." Madre Rohini no quería que Krishna y Balarama escucharan su relato, ya que este seguramente los angustiaría. Cuando de hecho Krishna y Balarama pasaron por ahí, Subhadra, muy diligentemente, los detuvo para que no entraran. Pero ellos, de alguna u otra manera, pudieron escuchar el relato desde afuera de la tienda de campaña. Al comenzar a escuchar lo que relataba madre Rohini, Krishna y Balarama, e incluso Subhadra, quien estaba parada en medio de los dos, se quedaron inmóviles. Ellos estaban como petrificados, absortos en profundos pensamientos acerca de Radha, las gopis, y todos los vrajavasis.Krishna, Balarama, y Subhadra habían escuchado acerca de los sentimientos de separación de los vrajavasis, pero nunca en detalle, ni directamente de los labios de una vrajavasi como madre Rohini. Como resultado de escuchar esto, Krishna, Balarama y Subhadra quedaron simplemente estupefactos. Sus ojos se pusieron más y más grandes debido a la emoción que experimentaban, mientras que otras partes de Sus cuerpos, los brazos, las piernas y el cuello se retrajeron dentro de Sus cuerpos, y se les dibujaba una sonrisa enorme, hasta que Krishna, Balarama y Subhadra se veían exactamente como las Deidades que hasta el día de hoy se adoran en Jagannatha Puri.

Cómo el Señor Jagannatha llegó a Puri

Entonces, ¿cómo es que se estableció la adoración a estas formas?Hace unos cuantos miles de años, Visvakarma, el arquitecto de los semidioses, accedió a tallar unas Deidades del Señor Jagannatha, Baladeva y Subhadra a petición del gran devoto, el rey Indradyumna. El Rey prometió que permitiría que Visvakarma trabajara en reclusión total hasta que el trabajo estuviera terminado. Pero el Rey, que no pudo con su impaciencia, entró dentro del taller donde trabajaba Visvakarma antes de que este terminara. Como resultado de ello, Visvakarma desapareció y las Deidades quedaron sin terminar. El Rey se lamentaba ya que ¿cuál era el uso de unas deidades sin terminar?, pero entonces el Señor Jagannatha le reveló su identidad.El Señor le dijo al Rey que Él había aparecido en esta forma para cumplir con una declaración Védica en la que se dice que aunque el Señor no tiene manos ni pies, Él acepta las ofrendas de sus devotos y camina para ofrecer Sus bendiciones a la gente de la tierra. También añadió que los devotos que han alcanzado amor por Dios, lo ven en la forma de Syamasundara, Krishna, el Señor original, portando una flauta. Luego apareció el sabio Narada y le reveló al Rey que el Señor Krishna ya había aparecido con anterioridad en esa misma forma en Kuruksetra. El propio Narada había tenido la fortuna de verlo. Al escuchar estas declaraciones, el Rey aceptó al Señor Jagannatha como su Señor adorable. Él comprendió que esta forma de las Deidades no fue una creación accidental; sino que, debido a que él había estado sintiendo una intensa separación de Krishna, el Señor había aparecido en esa forma. Esto también era una señal de que el Señor había sentido separación del Rey. Sobrecogido por el éxtasis, el rey Indradyumna comenzó a adorar las Deidades. Desde entonces, estas formas de Jagannatha, Baladeva y Subhadra se adoran en Puri.

El lugar ideal para Caitanya Mahaprabhu

No es por casualidad que Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu vivió en Puri y en ese mismo lugar adoró la Deidad del Señor Jagannatha. El Señor Caitanya, durante Sus pasatiempos finales, mostró más y más el humor de Radharani. Noche y día Él lamentaba Su separación del Señor con un sentimiento intenso. El Señor Jagannatha es la forma que Krishna asume cuando Él piensa con intensidad y exclusividad en los vrajavasis, las gopis, y Radharani. Por lo tanto, la Deidad más apropiada para el Señor Caitanya, quien había asumido el sentimiento de Radharani, era el Señor Jagannatha. El significado del Festival de Ratha-yatra.Externamente, el Ratha-yatra es espectacular, colorido y divertido. Sin embargo, los Vaisnavas Gaudiyas, los seguidores del Señor Caitanya, ven el Festival de las carrozas como mucho más que un alegre evento. Cuando los devotos del Señor tiran de las carrozas, simboliza el intento de los vrajavasis, especialmente Radharani y las gopis, de traer a Krishna, Balarama, y Subhadra de regreso a Vrindavana. Vrindavan también puede representar el corazón del devoto de Krishna. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu oraba al Señor Krishna de la siguiente manera: "Para la mayoría de la gente, la mente y el corazón son uno; pero, como Mi mente nunca se aparta de Vrindavana, Yo considero que Mi mente y Vrindavana son uno. Mi mente ya es Vrindavana, y a Ti Te gusta Vrindavana; ¿Me harías entonces el favor de poner Tus pies de loto allí? Para Mí, eso sería Tu misericordia completa." (Cc. Madhya 13.137) Para los devotos del Señor Jagannatha, quienes siguen los pasos del Señor Caitanya, el tirar de las carrozas del Ratha-yatra es como jalar a su adorable Señor, Jagannatha o Krishna, hacia dentro de su corazón.

Festivales alrededor del mundo

Ahora el Señor del universo se pasea en Su desfile por las principales ciudades del mundo. Su misericordia aumenta sin límites, en respuesta al deseo de Su devoto puro, Srila Prabhupada, quien trajo el Festival de Ratha-yatra a occidente. El primer Ratha-yatra fuera de la India se realizó el 9 de julio de 1967 en San Francisco. En esa ocasión, las Deidades desfilaron en una camioneta de redilas que unos hippies habían prestado. En los años siguientes, las deidades se colocaron en un carruaje más tradicional: una gran carroza de madera, decorada con carpas y banderines, que es tirada por la gente que asiste al festival.A medida que pasaron los años, las carrozas se hicieron más grandes y más bonitas. Muy pronto ISKCON comenzó a realizar Ratha-yatras en muchas ciudades: Nueva York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Londres, Paris, Roma, Zurich, Sydney, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Guadalajara, Río de Janeiro, Moscú, etc. Srila Prabhupada, muy contento, escribía: " En 1973 tuvimos un estupendo Ratha-yatra en Londres, Inglaterra, y la carroza fue llevada a la plaza Trafalgar. Luego el periódico The Guardian publicó un titulo en primera plana: "El Ratha-Yatra de ISKCON le roba la atención al Obelisco Nelson en la plaza de Trafalgar."Gente de todas partes se siente atraída al colorido y alegre festival de Ratha-yatra. Miles de personas que quieren divertirse acuden a presenciar las carrozas gigantes, a cantar, bailar y degustar el delicioso prasadam gratuito. Participan de un festival completo de música, danza, exhibiciones y entretenimiento espiritual. Y puesto que el Señor Jagannatha es una forma del Señor muy misericordiosa, incluso aquellos que difícilmente entienden el aspecto filosófico del Ratha-yatra, se benefician por tan sólo ver el festival o participar en él.

Por , Su Sanridad Lokanath Swami. SU Santidad Lokanatha Swami,es sannyasi y maestro espiritual, discípulo iniciado de Su Divina Gracia A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, desde 1972. Está a cargo de los Padayatras (peregrinaciones a pie) de ISKCON por todo el mundo.(Artículo extraído de la revista Back to Godhead de julio / agosto de 1993.)